Gut Microbiota

Microbiota is the good (and bad bacteria) in your gut. Every human being carry about 1-2kg of gut microbiota representing a number of cells far bigger than all our body cells together. Here we provide the latest science on the relation between nutrition, gut microbiome, immune system and human health.

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The 42nd Nestle Nutrition Workshop, held in Beijing, China, in May 1997, is the basis for this book. In a most interesting milieu, not far from the Forbidden City, a group of international scientists presented research findings and reviews on the intestinal flora, and its consequences for the host, to a large audience, which participated actively in the discussions


Nestlé Annales Vol 78 - Gut Microbiota: No Longer the Forgotten Organ

NNI Workshop Vol 94.png

Milk, Mucosal Immunity and the Microbiome: Impact on the Neonate

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Alimentação Complementar – Últimas Descobertas

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Nutrição materna e infantil: aproveitando os benefícios dos primeiros 1000 dias de vida

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Nestlé Nutrition Institute Africa partners with pediatricians and pediatric nutrition experts in Dakar Senegal to promote appropriate complementary feeding

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