Growth & Development

Early life events, including nutrition, play a powerful role in programming a person’s development, metabolism and health for the future. This section covers all aspects of the importance of maternal nutrition in the first 1000 days including, nutrition in pregnancy, epigenetics, metabolic programming, breastfeeding, growth &cognitive development and a lot more

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Human growth patterns title

Human growth patterns – an evolutionary and cross-species perspective

Human growth patterns are distinct due to evolutionary adaptations like bipedalism and a large brain, resulting in…

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Brain Development and Toddler’s Diet: Is There a Link?

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The Transformative 10: Nutrition for growth

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Dicas Para A Introdução De Alimentos Sólidos À Crianças Na Fase De Alimentação Complementar

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NNI in Africa joins hands with the Ivorian Paediatric Society to reduce child mortality

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NNIA collaborates with relevant associations to raise nutrition knowledge of health care providers

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The NNIA Scientific Board in Namibia

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Probiotic-prebiotic combination may ease eczema in kids

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The Interaction Between Malaria And Nutrition

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Breast milk ingredient could prevent deadly intestinal problem in preemies

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Infant malnutrition increases risk of adult attention deficit disorder