NNI CWAR & PAN on Breastfeeding

In line with the commitment to promoting breastfeeding and building Health Care professionals nutrition knowledge, the Nestlé Nutrition Institute, Central and West Africa, collaborated with the Paediatric Association of Nigeria (PAN) in August 2019, during the annual World Breastfeeding week, to mark the World Breastfeeding Week. Theme: ‘Empower Parents, Enable Breastfeeding’ .
The president of PAN Prof. A.I. Omoigberale and Dr. Damian Nwaneri , Director, Institute of Child Health, UBTH and other dignitaries from University of Benin Teaching Hospital were at the occasion.
It was agreed that all hands need to be on deck to promote and support breastfeeding. The current challenges of low exclusive breastfeeding rate was seen to be grossly affected by the use of water during the exclusive breastfeeding period. Use of water during the 1st six months of life was discouraged because breastfeeding alone is enough during the period to meet the infant’s nutritional needs.
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