Nutrition can prevent allergies
Nestlé to provide evidence at Allergies 2016
Nestlé to unveil evidence in primary prevention of allergic diseases using nutritional approaches at Allergies 2016 from 6 to 7 July 2016
Sophie Nutten, Nestlé’s allergy group leader, is scheduled to present at the third annual Allergies conference, being held in London from 6 to 7 July. The Nestlé case study, which has a focus on infant nutrition, maternal diet and complementary foods, is expected to explore the primary prevention of allergies. Ongoing research and evidence are expected to be presented on folate, probiotics, polyunsaturated fatty acids, oligosaccharides and hydrolyzed milk proteins.
London, England, United Kingdom, May 9, 2016 / - The SMi Group are thrilled to have Nestlé ’s Allergy Group Leader, Sophie Nutten, present at the third annual Allergies conference when it returns to London on 6 and 7 July.
SMi Group have worked in partnership with an expert advisory board to put together an agenda that will examine key areas such as; novel approaches in the treatment of allergy, therapeutic advances, allergic pathophysiology, a current update on food allergies, the future of allergen-specific immunotherapy and challenges, allergy prevention, diagnosis and drug development.
With a focus on maternal diet, infant nutrition and complementary foods, the Nestlé case study will explore the primary prevention allergies. Ongoing research and evidence will be presented on probiotics, folate, polyunsaturated fatty acids, oligosaccharides and hydrolysed milk proteins.
Sophie Nutten joined the Nestlé Research Centre in 2003 working on projects related to the gut barrier maturation. In 2005, she joined the NRC “Allergy Group” as project manager and became group leader of this group in 2011. The group is aiming at developing nutritional approaches to prevent allergy and manage symptoms linked to allergy.
Other notable speakers on the agenda include:
• Dr Carl Dolman, Immunoglobulins and Allergen Study, director, NIBSC, MHRA
• Dr Thierry Batard, senior dir. Innovation & Technological Platforms, Stallergenes Greer
• Dr Dirk-Jan Opstelten, R&D director, HAL Allergy
• Prof Tim Higenbottam, R&D director, Allergy Therapeutics Ltd
• Prof Kimihiro Okubo, Department of Otorhinolaryngology, Nippon Medical School
• Karen Knipping, senior scientist, Danone Nutricia Research
• Dr Anne Marie Salapatek, president & chief scientific officer, Inflamax Research Inc
A full speaker line-up and conference agenda is available to view online at
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