A Commitment To Reducing Infant Mortality In Anglophone Cwar

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Nutrition Health & Wellness

Nigeria has a high neonatal mortality rate of 37 per 1 000 live births, with the majority dying within the first 24 hours of birth. Birth asphyxia is one of the three major causes of neonatal death.

According to Oloyede et al. 2015, ‘the need for neonatal resuscitation is most urgent in low-resource settings, where the incidence, mortality and burden of long term impairment from birth asphyxia is highest. Basic neonatal resuscitation, including bag-and-mask ventilation, is sufficient for most babies who would be saved by resuscitation in low-resource settings’. Oloyede et al. 2015. Nigerian Journal of Paediatrics 42(2): 88-92.

In pursuit of our commitment to reducing neonatal mortality and supporting government in meeting the Sustainable Development Goals, NNIA (in collaboration with Lagos State University Teaching Hospital, LAUTECH Teaching Hospital Ogbomoso and Tema General Hospital in Ghana) trained a total of 169 Health Care Professionals drawn from the tertiary, secondary, primary and private hospitals in Lagos and Osun State.


