Tackling Neonatal Mortality In Lagos Through Improving Hcps Skills In Neonatal Resuscitation – Lagos State

2 min read /
Nutrition & Disease Management Nutrition Health & Wellness

Neonatal deaths account for almost 40% of child mortality, and birth asphyxia is one of the three major causes. The State Ministry of Health, Lagos State, is committed to reducing the currently unacceptably high under-five mortality rate (U5MR) and is making efforts to meet the sustainable developmental goals in various ways.

 Nestlé Nutrition Africa, in collaboration with the Lagos State University Teaching Hospital (LASUTH) branch of the Paediatric Association of Nigeria, organised a two-day workshop on Neonatal Resuscitation. 50 doctors and 50 nurses from the Tertiary, Secondary and Private hospitals in Lagos State attended, and the workshop was designed with the emphasis on practical demonstration and hands-on experience using a standard neonatal resuscitation manual. 

Dr Disu Elizabeth (Consultant Pediatrician and Head Neonatal unit) was the course co-ordinator. There were seven lecture sessions with practical sessions conducted after each lecture, and participants were divided into groups that enabled each of them gain individual hands-on practice. At the end of the training participants were awarded certificates.

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