Senegal: Congress of Senegalese Peadiatric Society

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On 14 – 15 July, NNIA sponsored the 5th Congress of the Senegalese Pediatric Society. Under the topic of “Nutritional Disorders in Infancy”, this Congress attracted many specialists in paediatric healthcare and nutrition. The NNIA has organised as part of the pre-congress training in neonatal resuscitation for 23 pediatricians to strengthen their skills in helping baby’s breath during the first minute in order to save many lives. This training was led by 3 key specialists of neonatology in Senegal: Prof Ndèye Ramatoulaye Diagne, Prof Pape Moctar Faye and Prof Mamadou Gueye.

This training was done as part of the partnership between NNIA and the African Centre of Excellence for Health of Mother & Child Health.


The following day, NNIA reached out to 300 healthcare professionals with the latest information on Early Feeding Interventions as perspectives for long-term health. After a presentation on NNIA objectives and activities by Prof Ndeye Ramatoulaye, our board member for West Africa, the scientific symposium was delivered which covered the following topics:



“Early Nutrition and Long Term Health” by Prof Ousmane Ndiaye, Chairman of Senegalese Pediatric Society, and “Proteins in Infancy” by NNIA Board Member Prof Ramatoulaye Diagne Ndèye.


The NNI stand also showcased our leading expertise in the field of nutrition, with a good attendance and great feedback from UNICEF representatives and the Ministry of Health.

