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Nutrition & Disease Management Nutrition Health & Wellness

In collaboration with University of Pretoria, Nelson Mandela University and University of Venda, this year NNIA hosted a very successful 13th continued nutrition education symposium with the theme on “Advancements in Clinical Nutrition – Looking to the Future”

A fully packed programme was dedicated to the science and clinical application of human milk oligosaccharides (HMOs) and nutrition.




Dr Tim de Maayer - The gut microbiome in health and disease
Prof. Norman Nyazema  - Pre and Probiotics Manufacturing processes an overview
Ms Sanja Nel - Complementary feeding Reconciling the WHO and ESPGHAN guidelines
Ms Vanessa KotzePerioperative nutrition support What are the recommended practices and is South Africa on par
Ms Frances van Schalkwyk  - Nutrition care of critically ill patient Key elements
Dr Claudia Gray - Cow's milk protein allergy and infant formula milks
Elna Buys - Listeria monocytogenes and processed meat
Dr. Etienne Nel  - What are the HMO
Ms Caida Macdougall - Decoding the current science of HMO's in Breastmilk
Dr. Martin Davis  -  Decoding the current science of HMO's in clinical practice
Claire Tolmay - Introduction of the HMO Academy
Dr. Etienne Nel - Intestinal failure in children Nutritional support
Dr. Martin Bac - The dietician in palliative care